Posts Tagged by Sean O Riada Gold Medal

Cuire Chun Ceoil #1222 9/8/’24

Tá an Samhradh againn, Na Oilimpicí iontach do Ghaeil agus iad ag ceiliuradh Fleadh Ceoil na hÉireann leis. Tá dlúth dhiosca nua agam “The Queen of Mayo” leis an Pipers Cross Ceili Band/WE have summer and a wonderful Olympics for the Irish and Fleadh Ceoil na hÉireann also, as well as a new cd from […]

Cuire Chun Ceoil #1221 2/8/’24

Lughnasa chughainn agus mar sin Lá breithe Seán Ó Riada (bheadh sé 93) agus is a cheol siúd atá sa chlár anocht/August has landed and so with the first of the month, Seán Ó Riada’s 93rd birthday – his  wide range of music is tonight’s program.  Prog. Track list don clár seo 1221 Cláracha atá […]

Cuire Chun Ceoil #1220 26/7/’24

Tá an saoghal dá chreimeadh ag an samhradh ach tá CD nua agam arís an tseachtain seo: The Reels of the World – ITMA/ Life is being nibbled by the summer but i have a new cd this week also – The Reels of the World – ITMA.  Prog. Track list don clár seo 1220 […]

Cuire Chun Ceoil #1219 19/7/’24

Ceol agus iománaíocht croí na cainnte ansa timpeal – bhí Scoil Willie Clancy ana thaithneamhach agus tá cd nua agam díbh Holly Geraghty Musical Musings from Mayo / Music and hurling were the heart of all conversation here for the last week, Willie Clancy was great and i have a new cd this week -Holly […]

Ceol agus iománaíocht croí na cainnte ansa timpeal - bhí Scoil Willie Clancy ana thaithneamhach agus tá cd nua agam díbh Holly Geraghty Musical Musings from Mayo / Music and hurling were the heart of all conversation here for the last week, Willie Clancy was great and i have a new cd this week -Holly Geraghty Musical Musings from MayoProg. Track list don clár seo 1219 Cláracha atá imithe ansa thíos + craoladh beo ar-líne. Previous prgs and live broadcasting  online via below link RnaG/RTE eolas agus archives faoin gclár/info and archives re program