Posts Tagged by Cuire chun ceoil

Cuire Chun Ceoil #1221 2/8/’24

Lughnasa chughainn agus mar sin Lá breithe Seán Ó Riada (bheadh sé 93) agus is a cheol siúd atá sa chlár anocht/August has landed and so with the first of the month, Seán Ó Riada’s 93rd birthday – his  wide range of music is tonight’s program.  Prog. Track list don clár seo 1221 Cláracha atá […]

Cuire Chun Ceoil #1220 26/7/’24

Tá an saoghal dá chreimeadh ag an samhradh ach tá CD nua agam arís an tseachtain seo: The Reels of the World – ITMA/ Life is being nibbled by the summer but i have a new cd this week also – The Reels of the World – ITMA.  Prog. Track list don clár seo 1220 […]

Cuire Chun Ceoil #1219 19/7/’24

Ceol agus iománaíocht croí na cainnte ansa timpeal – bhí Scoil Willie Clancy ana thaithneamhach agus tá cd nua agam díbh Holly Geraghty Musical Musings from Mayo / Music and hurling were the heart of all conversation here for the last week, Willie Clancy was great and i have a new cd this week -Holly […]

Cuire Chun Ceoil #1218 12/7/’24

Ag cainnt is ag seinnt re Willie Clancy is an scoil san clár seo ar fad/ dean dearúd ar an aimsir/All talk and music about Willie Clancy, and his school, in this program – forget about the weather. Prog. Track list don clár seo 1218 Cláracha atá imithe ansa thíos + craoladh beo ar-líne. Previous […]

Ag cainnt is ag seinnt re Willie Clancy is an scoil san clár seo ar fad/ dean dearúd ar an aimsir/All talk and music about Willie Clancy, and his school, in this program - forget about the weather. Prog. Track list don clár seo 1218 Cláracha atá imithe ansa thíos + craoladh beo ar-líne. Previous prgs and live broadcasting  online via below link RnaG/RTE eolas agus archives faoin gclár/info and archives re program