Naomh Gobnait
Cór Cúil Aodha agus Peadar O Riada
Foilsithe/published - 16/11/2012
Ceol eaglasta gaelach /Irish Church Music (21 traic, 19 nuachumtha/newly composed)
Filíocht le/poetry by: Dónal Liatháin, Siobhán Bean Uí Cheallaigh, ColmCille, An Bíobla Naofa agus ón dtraidisiún Gaelach/and from the Irish tradition.
Seo í an céad pláta ceoil eisithe ag an Cór le 25 bliain. I lár an phláta seo, tá an ceol do Aifreann misteach Eoin na Croise Naofa maraon le dánta diaga in onóir Naomha Gobnait, Pádraig, ColmCille agus Mícheál ArdAingeal.
This is the first recording in 25 years issued by the Choir. In the midst or these recordings are those associated with the Mysticle Mass composed in honor of Saint John of the Cross. The cd also contains hymns in praise of Saints Gobnait, Patrick, Columba and the ArchAngel Gabriel.
Tá leagan de stair an Cór ansa / a short history of the choir can be had here. (the file is a little large /tá sé mór)
Liostáil na bhfuaimrian / track listing
Leabhar nótaí an dlúth dhiosca /The CD sleeve notes.
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