Monthly Archives: May 2013
Lily of the Valley
May 14, 2013 | Posted by peadar under Ceol dem' chuid /My music, Scóir cheoil / Musical scores |
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Lily of the Valley (3:19) This is Lily Van Oost’s nickname. She was Belgian, very creative and had a great understanding of herbs and things of nature. Her garden always had collections of old bird or sheep skulls and feathers and other interesting touchstones. Her wool sculptures were wonderful affairs and anyone who possesses one […]
The Rubber Band’s Brother
May 13, 2013 | Posted by peadar under Ceol dem' chuid /My music, Scóir cheoil / Musical scores |
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The Rubber Band’s Brother This slide was coposed during Éigse Dhiarmuidín whilest we were recording the album and goes with the “EIgse Slide” The first line bears a strong resemblance to another slide composed and recorded on the previous album (Triúr sa Draighean). That one was originally called the “Rubber Band” after the rubber band, […]
Winter Hornpipe (3:16)
May 13, 2013 | Posted by peadar under Ceol dem' chuid /My music, Scóir cheoil / Musical scores |
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Winter Hornpipe (3:16) A hornpipe was needed for this cd and it was dark and raining and sleeting outside the window when this tune arrived. Click here for score The Winter Hornpipe.mus
The Mouse’s Reel
May 13, 2013 | Posted by peadar under Ceol dem' chuid /My music, Scóir cheoil / Musical scores |
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The Mouse’s Reel (2:31) We had a mouse in the kitchen that appeared to my better half late one night. There was a bit of a fuss until his visit ended. In this tune I could see him sticking out his head and wondering would he chance a dash across the room. The last line […]