Monthly Archives: May 2013

Cór Cúil Aodha

Cór Cúil Aodha is an all male choir forms Christmas 1963 and sings irish music of a spiritual nature and indigenous colour.

Cuire chun Ceoil 24/5/2013

Mighty new cd tonight/ Cd nua iontach  Ghael Linn anocht ‘Seoda Ceoil’.  Also new cd from Kathleen MacInnes ‘Cille Bhride’. Don’t forget-Comórtas Bonn Oir Seán O Riada 2013 oscailte anois. All concertina, accordian etc players can now enter the Sean O Riada gold medal competition – the site is now open –   Cuire chun ceoil  […]

Cuire chun Ceoil 17/5/2013

Oiche na Lp anocht / LP night tonight. Foth screabhadh is cnead ach ceol ana mhánla. Scratch and scrawl but much nicer sound i think. Comórtas Bonn Oir Seán O Riada 2013 oscailte anois. All concertina, accordian etc players can now enter the Sean O Riada gold medal competition – the site is now open […]

Damhsa ‘n tSuláin. (Dance of the Sulán)

Damhsa ‘n tSuláin. (Dance of the Sulán) (1:49) This tune was part of a longer more drawn out affair, which my brother-in-law Kevin Glacken played while I twanged away on the Tambura.   The whole affair was in praise of the Sulán River, from its birth, on down the mountain sides, through the plains of Carraig […]

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