The Hops Store
May 13, 2013 | Posted by peadar under Ceol dem' chuid /My music, Scóir cheoil / Musical scores |
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The Hops Store
This tune was first recorded on a small cassette for an exhibition in the Guinness Hop Store in 1977. The artist was a good friend called Lily Van Oost from Belgium. She lived in the Black Valley in Kerry. She was invited to assemble an exhibition of her wool sculptures for the comparatively new Guinness Hop Stores exhibition halls at the time. She asked me to provide music as a backdrop to her exhibition. This tune was one played in that recording. The lads in U2 provided the money to record it and the resulting 500 cassettes each had a rough picture including a sheep to which I glued some real wool.
The Hops Store.mus
This tune was first recorded on a small cassette for an exhibition in the Guinness Hop Store in 1977. The artist was a good friend called Lily Van Oost from Belgium. She lived in the Black Valley in Kerry. She was invited to assemble an exhibition of her wool sculptures for the comparatively new Guinness Hop Stores exhibition halls at the time. She asked me to provide music as a backdrop to her exhibition. This tune was one played in that recording. The lads in U2 provided the money to record it and the resulting 500 cassettes each had a rough picture including a sheep to which I glued some real wool.
The Hops Store.mus