The Éigse Slide
May 13, 2013 | Posted by peadar under Ceol dem' chuid /My music, Scóir cheoil / Musical scores |
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The Éigse Slide
We recorded the cd Triúr Arís during the week preceding Éigse Dhiarmuidín in Cúil Aodha (always the first weekend in December). This slide gets its name from the Festival as it came together during that recording session.
Click here for score The Éigse Slide.mus
We recorded the cd Triúr Arís during the week preceding Éigse Dhiarmuidín in Cúil Aodha (always the first weekend in December). This slide gets its name from the Festival as it came together during that recording session.
Click here for score The Éigse Slide.mus