Maith Thú Muiris
May 13, 2013 | Posted by peadar under Ceol dem' chuid /My music, Scóir cheoil / Musical scores |
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Maith thú Muiris. ( 3:13 )
Muiris Ó Rócháin was one of my pals. He was a noble man. He died in 2011 and we all mourned him. We three dedicated this album to his memory. He was from Corca Dhuibhne (Dingle Peninsula). A teacher and collector of folklore, he also was part of many organizations that furthered Irish culture around the world for forty years. He was a captain or leader of the “Naisiún Gaelach” or the Gaelic Nation. But to me, and to Martin and Caoimhín, he was a friend who shared a love of rural life and its cultural expressions. This simple polka is an attempt by me to remember him.
Maith Thú Muiris
Muiris Ó Rócháin was one of my pals. He was a noble man. He died in 2011 and we all mourned him. We three dedicated this album to his memory. He was from Corca Dhuibhne (Dingle Peninsula). A teacher and collector of folklore, he also was part of many organizations that furthered Irish culture around the world for forty years. He was a captain or leader of the “Naisiún Gaelach” or the Gaelic Nation. But to me, and to Martin and Caoimhín, he was a friend who shared a love of rural life and its cultural expressions. This simple polka is an attempt by me to remember him.
Maith Thú Muiris