Category: Scóir cheoil / Musical scores
TG4 Reel
July 6, 2011 | Posted by peadar under Ceol dem' chuid /My music, Scóir cheoil / Musical scores |
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TG4 is an Irish television station of which I am very fond and proud of as it broadcasts mainly in the Irish language and we all took part, for many years, in a campaign to get it founded and off the ground. It has a form of “Oscars” for the Irish traditional music scene as […]
Waiting for Connie
July 6, 2011 | Posted by peadar under Ceol dem' chuid /My music, Scóir cheoil / Musical scores |
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I play music with Connie O’Connell and Eibhlín de Paor every Thursday evening in a local pub – The Mills. Connie is a great fiddle player with a knowledge of many tunes. I have learnt any amount of tunes from him as we play. I can thank him for a well-developed ability to pick up […]
July 6, 2011 | Posted by peadar under Ceol dem' chuid /My music, Scóir cheoil / Musical scores |
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This is named after the month, as I could not think of a name for the tune. It arrived as I was tinkering with notes and wondering what to play for the aforementioned TG4 event in 2008, that is if I were to be asked to play! I had a small problem in that I […]
Spórt / Fiach
July 6, 2011 | Posted by peadar under Ceol dem' chuid /My music, Scóir cheoil / Musical scores |
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I had this idea to assemble 4 cd recordings or collections of music that I would publish and that each one would represent a stage in a boy’s growing into manhood. I also had the idea of associating them with one of the four elements. So the first collection was published under the title “Amidst […]