Category: Scóir cheoil / Musical scores
Bould Doherty
July 19, 2011 | Posted by peadar under Ceol dem' chuid /My music, Scóir cheoil / Musical scores |
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I originally arranged this for Tony MacMahon and the Vanbrugh String Quartet. Download pdf here.
Naomh Pádraigh
July 19, 2011 | Posted by peadar under Ceol dem' chuid /My music, Scóir cheoil / Musical scores |
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Bhí dán diaga in onóir do Naomh Pádraigh in easnamh orainn le fada agus d’iarras ar mo chara Dónal Liatháin an gcuirfeadh sé peann le páipéar. Rud a dhein go fileata is go paiteanta. Seo toradh a shaothair agus chuireas féin ceol leis ansan. We did not have a suitable hymn to sing for Saint […]
Ceol do leanaí scoile
July 19, 2011 | Posted by peadar under Ceol dem' chuid /My music, Scóir cheoil / Musical scores |
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This is a short piece i put together for Leannaí Gael Scoil Uí Riada for their anniversary. Any mix of instruments can use it and, being a round, it can be extended at will but using the last section to finish off. Download the pdf here.
Three for Tunes
July 19, 2011 | Posted by peadar under Ceol dem' chuid /My music, Scóir cheoil / Musical scores |
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This is a tune I put together for the Triúr project. In it there are three parts each one representing each player. It was interesting to see how Martin and Caoimhín gravitated towards different musical parts I had in mind for their tonality, as I perceived them. When things like that work it adds greatly […]