Category: Scóir cheoil / Musical scores
Barack Obama Reel
July 19, 2011 | Posted by peadar under Ceol dem' chuid /My music, Scóir cheoil / Musical scores |
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This tune came about during the week when we first came together in April 2009. Obama was very much in the news and as I admired his intelligence and ability I felt that he would be a graceful dancer. In the course of our antics and tunes Martin mentioned that he heard that Obama did […]
In praise of Connie
July 19, 2011 | Posted by peadar under Ceol dem' chuid /My music, Scóir cheoil / Musical scores |
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The start of this tune came to one night in the middle of our usual Thursday night session with Connie Connell, Eibhlín de Paor, Don Ó Laoighre (Fear an Tí) and Seán Ó Cróinín (Grandson of Bess Cronin) I had just the first three notes and the ‘gimp’ so i went out to the jacks […]
Laoi na Carraige Báinne
July 19, 2011 | Posted by peadar under Ceol dem' chuid /My music, Scóir cheoil / Musical scores |
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This was a piece commissioned by the Ionad Cultúrtha in Baile Mhuirne, 2009. It is for a string quartet, with traditional voice and flute. Download the pdf here.
Port do Tony
July 19, 2011 | Posted by peadar under Ceol dem' chuid /My music, Scóir cheoil / Musical scores |
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I originally arranged this for Tony MacMahon and the Kronos String Quartet. For Traditional accordian and Quartet. Download the pdf here.