Ceantar Glas Mhúscrai
May 13, 2013 | Posted by peadar under Ceol dem' chuid /My music, Scóir cheoil / Musical scores |
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Ceantar Glas Mhuscraí (5:27)
This air was born to fulfil a promise to Morgan Fisher in Japan who had this idea of asking 60 people to provide 60 seconds of music to mark the turning of the last Millenium in the year 2000 (Miniatures 2). I was honoured to be asked and I thank him. Recently my fellow member of Acadamh Fódhla, the historian Donal Ó hÉalaithe came in to the house with a few verses, started by an older generation, praising the local area. I found that the meter fitted this tune best. Donal composed a good lot of further verses in which I aided and abetted. Donal is Éarlamh of the History School (Dáimh) and there is no end to his knowledge of our people and the land we live in.
Ceantar Glas Mhúscraighe.mus