Margaret Batt
May 13, 2013 | Posted by peadar under Ceol dem' chuid /My music, Scóir cheoil / Musical scores |
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Margaret Batt ( 2:26 )
Margaret Bat was one of those rare things, a person with a beautiful soul. She was shy and gentle and kind and warmhearted but also had the artists ‘súil eile’. She took up painting later in life. Her work was evocative being, usually, a montage of scenes depicting a story associated with her subject. I could see her sweeping her brush across the canvas with the first notes of this tune. She died of cancer. Her energy and our affection for her is what created this tune.
Margaret Batt.mus
Margaret Bat was one of those rare things, a person with a beautiful soul. She was shy and gentle and kind and warmhearted but also had the artists ‘súil eile’. She took up painting later in life. Her work was evocative being, usually, a montage of scenes depicting a story associated with her subject. I could see her sweeping her brush across the canvas with the first notes of this tune. She died of cancer. Her energy and our affection for her is what created this tune.
Margaret Batt.mus