» Uncategorized » Oireachtas/clar
November 4, 2011 | Posted by peadar under Uncategorized |
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Comortaisí sean-nois anocht ón Oireachtas - No prog. this week. Great night at the Oireachtas in Killarney last night-meeting old friends, 2 new films launched there - i am stuck in both - one on Diuarmuidín O Suilleabháin, which will be broadcast next Wednesday 9:30 and one on my father Sean O RIada, which hits the air on Monday 9:30.
I lost a good friend this week -Paidí Casey - a mighty man of history and seanachas and brains to burn, big into technology and nature. His kitchen was a university flourishing in the warmth and welcome of Bella and their family. My friend Páidí was one of life's gentlemen and a great character. Age brings freedom but i wish friends wouldn't fall off their perch with such regularity. At least with the Oireachtas na Gaeilge, many of us get to meet each once a year, what ever part of the world we travel from. Gurab fad buan é. The Competition is in full swing on next weeks Cuireadh chun Ceoil.